Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) meets
on the second Tuesday of every month at 11am in the McCarthy Centre [Parish Hall].
The CWL is a community of women within the Catholic Church. CWL works across all levels of society – local, state, national and international – and provides a voice for Catholic Women in Church and society by:
- Addressing social and moral issues affecting family life,
particularly of women and children; - Promoting family values and equality for all,
in the areas of health, education, economic and social welfare; and - Working collaboratively with Church leaders to fulfil the mission of the Church,
especially in areas of social justice.
Benifets of Membership
Women of all ages can join CWL. You can be a Parish or Diocesan member or a member of our Thirroul Branch group. CWL membership offers women an opportunity to meet socially with other women through meetings, guest speakers and discussions, luncheons and Masses. Guest speakers or presenters commence at 11am on the second Tuesday of each month, followed by a light luncheon and monthly meeting. Check the Parish Bulletin for the latest details.
With CWL you can become involved in:
- Reconciliation;
- Overseas aid;
- Rights of women;
- Submissions to government;
- Advocacy for women;
- Support of Parish life;
- Fundraising for charities; and
- Lobbying the United Nations.
You can be involved as much or as little as you choose.
The Thirroul branch of CWL is small in number at present and new members are very welcome.
For further information or to join,
contact the Parish Office on 4268 1910.